Mobile workstation for Keyence XM-5000 handheld coordinate measuring machine with two large folding shelves and a large slide out drawer. Keyence has updated this machine, so it no longer uses a standard PC controller, it now is run using a laptop. The folding shelf on the right side is for the laptop while using the measuring machine. The front folding shelf is for the probe and parts. On the left side of the enclosure is a large slide out storage drawer to hold the laptop and probe when not in use. The bottom of the enclosure has two large doors on the front and rear for extra storage. The DFP201XM-5000 rolls on heavy duty 3″ rubber casters that all swivel and lock. This workstation is the best way to have your Keyence XM-5000 CMM shop floor mobile and contained all in one convenient space.
The DFP201XM-5000 has a 5 Year warranty on manufacturing defects.